Christian Obedience

My work and goal in my latest project titled, Christian Obedience is to explain a few key principles that I have discovered in my own Christian journey to hopefully simplify what it means to be a Christian. I had wanted to focus on certain stigmas, and misconceptions about lifestyle choice, as I have come across many individuals who a have found difficulty with the faith for such reasons. Also, within my faith journey I have come across a concept called religion vs relationship that generally conflicts one’s personal feelings towards Christianity with religious obligation. The idea of Christianity as a set of rules and regulation that one has to be obey or face eternal damnation is what I hope diffuse with this project. I’ve found Christianity to be far less restrictive, and demanding than what common media and social groups present it to be. A simple relationship is all that Christ desires from us on earth and there is no qualifications or way of life that could change that. In choosing the topics freedom of choice, listening, acceptance, change, following, and faith to depict via the medium of photography, I believed these are common areas that people struggle within their one spiritual journeys in Christ. I hoped visually capturing moments concerning these topics could make the lifestyle of the Christian faith more understandable or could spark an interest in the faith. I ultimately know that my work may not change one’s view on Christianity or even convert someone to the faith, but I believe that just this simple exposure to it will allow open doors for the viewers that may come across this work.